Un altre bodegó fet al taller. Em va fer gràcia el tema de les sabatilles, que no tenien res a veure amb la resta del bodegó, i per això ho vaig pintar. Encara que el conjunt sigui una mica incoherent, crec que el resultat no ha estat malament.
(paper Arches, 300gr. gra gruixut, mida 38x56 cm)
Another still life made at the workshop. I found it funny, the subject of the baskets, that had nothing to do with the rest of the objects in the still life, and that's the reason why I painted it. Even though the ensemble might be a bit incoherent, I think the result is not too bad.
(paper Arches, 300gr. gra gruixut, mida 38x56 cm)
Another still life made at the workshop. I found it funny, the subject of the baskets, that had nothing to do with the rest of the objects in the still life, and that's the reason why I painted it. Even though the ensemble might be a bit incoherent, I think the result is not too bad.
Divertido la selección de componentes del cuadro.
ResponEliminaO resultado é lindo! É um poema, quebra o senso comum. Me encanta, um abraço