Aquest dimecres hem anat amb la Colla a pintar a l’ Universitat Central. Aquí es van concentrar fins a quasi l’any 60 del segle passat totes les Facultats de Ciències i Lletres i inclusive l’Escola d’Arquitectura (Enginyers sempre va tenir un edifici a part: l’Escola Industrial, o ja anàrem fa unes setmanes). Aquest edifici, projectat per l’arquitecte Elias Rogent, ocupa dues ‘mançanes’ (com diuen a Lleida) a la Gran Via, tot just on comença l’Eixample de Barcelona, i te dos patis idèntics: el de Lletres a l'esquerra (que és el que jo he pintat des de la galeria del primer pis) i el de Ciències, a la dreta.
Paper Arches, 300gr., gra fí, mida 38x28cm
Paper Arches, 300gr., gra fí, mida 38x28cm
The Central University of Barcelona
This Wednesday we have gone to paint with ‘la Colla’ to the Central University of Barcelona. This building hosted until almost the 60’s of last century all the Faculties of Science and Arts and even the School of Architecture (the Engineers had always their own building: the Industrial School, where we went to paint a few weeks ago). It was designed in 1863 by the architect Elias Rogent and takes up two blocks in the Gran Via, just where the ‘Eixample’ (the 1860 enlargement of Barcelona) begins. It hosts two identical cloisters, the Patio of Arts on the left (that I have painted from the gallery of the first floor) and the Patio of Sciences on the right.
This Wednesday we have gone to paint with ‘la Colla’ to the Central University of Barcelona. This building hosted until almost the 60’s of last century all the Faculties of Science and Arts and even the School of Architecture (the Engineers had always their own building: the Industrial School, where we went to paint a few weeks ago). It was designed in 1863 by the architect Elias Rogent and takes up two blocks in the Gran Via, just where the ‘Eixample’ (the 1860 enlargement of Barcelona) begins. It hosts two identical cloisters, the Patio of Arts on the left (that I have painted from the gallery of the first floor) and the Patio of Sciences on the right.
Un buen trabajo de perspectivas Alberto, y una acuarela con luz. Saludos
ResponEliminaAlbert, vedo che ti piacciono le sfide, i soggetti che scegli non sono mai semplici!! In questo caso, la prospettiva e il gioco di luci e ombre devono essere stati veramente impegnativi. Complimenti per questo lavoro, a mio parere, molto difficile, il risultato è più che buono. Ciao!!
ResponEliminaTi invidio perchè vai sempre a dipingere
ResponEliminain "plain air". Fra un pò con i tuoi acquarelli
conosco tutta Barcellona. Ciao Elvvi
Jo també t'envege que vages a pintar amb una colla a l'aire lliure. Mai no he pintat així i deu ser una experiència molt bona. Quant a la teua aquarel·la, com diu Tito, mai no tries temes senzills. Admire la paciència per a plasmar les diverses estructures arquitectòniques, a més d'aconseguir un bon sentit de la perspectiva. Segueix deleitant-nos amb aquestes escenes, company.
ResponEliminaGrata pelo comentário.
ResponEliminaFico feliz que tenha gostado do meu blog. Foi um prazer conhecer a Universidade de Barcelona nessa linda aquarela suave que vejo em teu blog.
Tudo de bom, voltarei muitas vezes.
Mil beijos