Aquest dimecres hem anat amb La Colla al barri de la Barceloneta, antic barri de pescadors de Barcelona. Jo he triat aquest edifici que ara s'anomena Palau de Mar i que allotja diferents dependències de la Generalitat, el Museu d'Història de Catalunya i un munt de restautants. No fa gaires anys formava part del complexe de coberts del Port.
Si no trobo una de millor, aquesta sera l' que presentaré a l'exposició monogràfica anual organitzada pel pintor Manel Plana i el tema de la qual és enguany precisament la Barceloneta.
Palau de Mar (Sea Palace)
This wednesday we went with La Colla to the quarter of La Barceloneta, an old fishermen's quarter in Barcelona. I chose this building now called Palau de Mar hosting different departments of the Generalitat, the Museum of History of Catalonia and a lot of restaurants. Not too long ago it was part of the complex of warehouses of the Port.
If I cannot find a better one, this will be the painting to show at the annual monographic exhibition hosted by the watercolorist Manel Plana and whose subject this year is just La Barceloneta.
paper Saunders High White, 300 gra, gra gruixut, mida 31x41cm
Hola, Arbert,
ResponEliminaBell! Vostè és un jugador versàtil per aquarel de la natura morta al paisatge. Un dia, vostè ha de ensenyar-me com fer-les. Per cert, Quant de temps el portarà a acabar aquest paisatge? Paisatge sovint em porta molt de temps "hores", whisle xifres només durant mitja hora. Ah, mal de cap?
Cheers, Sadami
Beautiful!! You are an all-round player for watercolour from still life to landscape. One day, you should teach me how to make them. BTW, How long did it take you to finish this landscape? Landscape often takes me long "hours," whisle figures only for half an hour. Ah, headache?!
me encanta este cuadro, el contraste entre el cielo y el palau, es hermoso. : )
ResponEliminaUn buon lavoro questo acquerello, Albert. Come sempre i tuoi colori sono luminosi e accattivanti.....e la prospettiva eccellente.
ResponEliminaBuon week end! Ciao.
Molto bello e luminoso, e perfetta prospettiva, mi sembra più che degno da presentare all'esibizione.
ResponEliminaAbbraccio e buon weekend
Thanks, Sadami. In this case, it took me exactly two hours. When we go out with La Colla we meet at 10 am, but we start painting at 10.30. This one, at 12.30pm it was done. Cheers.
ResponEliminaGracias Sadeu por la visita y el comentario.
ResponEliminaGrazie, Jane per il tuo commento e il consiglio.
ResponEliminaGrazie, Tito, già sai come i tuoi commenti sono importanti per me.